Dr. Elitsa Stoilova is an associate professor at the University of Plovdiv in the Department of Ethnology at the Faculty of Philosophy and History. Her bachelor's degrees are defended at the university, and they are in "Ethnology" and "Sociology". Her master's degree is "Management of Research and Innovation" (MB). She defended her doctoral dissertation in the Netherlands (Eindhoven Technical University) in a program in the history of technology. She is working on Bulgarian yogurt and how it is becoming a national symbol. Investigates the change in its production and consumption, as well as its popularization abroad. As a result of her research, she published in 2014 the book Producing Bulgarian Yoghurt: Manufacturing and Exporting of Authenticity. From her doctorate social research on food and nutrition are becoming its main research interest. Intangible cultural heritage and the issue of identity are the other two thematic areas it deals with (almost always through food). For almost 5 years she has been working on culinary festivals in Bulgaria and their specifics. In 2016-2017 she won a scholarship from the Center for Academic Research in Sofia, working for one year on her study "Traditions and Innovation: Valorization of Authentic Foods", which later grew into a comprehensive study of the process of festivals and non-local policies she explores during holidays and festivals dedicated to food. For her research in the field of food, she received in 2020 the annual award "Access to Good Food" of the Civic Institute and the Bulgarian Meat Tradition Foundation for building a public image of good food by researching and promoting the traditions of food technology and culinary festivals in Bulgaria. In 2021 Elitsa Stoilova published the monograph "Holidays and food festivals" Valorization of the local culinary heritage ", which summarizes her research on the topic in recent years.
Selected publications
Стоилова, Е. (2021) Празниците и фестивалите на храните: валоризация на локалното кулинарно наследство. Пловдив: Университетско издателство „Паисий Хилендарски“.
Stoilova, E. Еxporting Authenticity. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Стоилова, E. (2020) “Кулинарните фестивали: фестивализация, неолокализъм и Гастролокализъм”, Семинар_BG 19, 1-25, https://seminar-bg.eu/spisanie-seminar-bg/broy19/item/585-kulinarnite festivali.html.
Стоилова. Е. (2020) „Неолокализъм, занаятчийска бира и антимакдоналдизация,“ Социологически проблеми 2 : 596-623.
Кръстанова, Кр. Златкова, М., Кисикова, М. Стоилова, Е. (2019) По пътя. Образи, звуци, истории. Пловдив: ИК „Ракурси“. ISBN: 978-954- 8852-97-5.
Стоилова, E. (2020) “Чиста и безопасна храна за градския консуматор. Как се модернизира производството на кисело мляко през 30-те – 40-те години на ХХ в.” Семинар_BG 18, https://seminar-bg.eu/spisanie seminar-bg/broy-18/item/579-chista-i-bezopasna-hrana-za-gradskiya konsumator.html
Stoilova, E. (2020) “Craft Beer Culture and Creative Industries in Plovdiv, Bulgaria". Papers in Applied Geography 6, 222-239.
Стоилова, Е. (2019) „Заветът на художника“. В:. По пътя. Образи, звуци, истории. 59 – 90. Пловдив: ИК „Ракурси“. ISBN: 978-954-8852-97-5.
Златкова, М. и Елица Стоилова (2019) "Образи на планината във визyалните наративи на каракачаните". В: Шнитер, М. и колектив (съставители) Родопа планина – земи, богове, хора и храмове. Изд. Исторически музей Велинград: София, ISBN 978-954-92299-7-4., 451-463.
Stoilova, E. (2018) “Food, Myths, and Authenticity”. MemoScapes. Romanian Journal of Memory and Identity Studies 2, no 2, 53-63.
Stoilova, E. (2018) „Food festivals as cultural experience economy” Questionner le tournant créatif : dispositifs, processus et représentations. YanitaAndonova et Anne-France KOGAN (dir.): 79-83.
Стоилова, Е. (2017) „Фестивалност и конструиране на локалното културно наследство“. В Опазване на културното наследство. Идеи и практики. Мила Сантова и колектив (ред.), 212-222 стр. София: АИ „Марин Дринов“.
Стоилова, Е. (2017) „Валоризация на автентичната храна: фестивалите на традиционните храни като иновативни практики“. Иновации, развитие и устойчивост в селските райони в България и Европа– сборник, 127-137 стр. Таня Неделчева (съст.). София: ОМДА, http://www.prehod.omda.bg/uploaded_files/files/articles/sbornik_konfere ntsia__1516022560.pdf , ISBN 978-954-9719-96-3.
Stoilova, E. (2016) “Le yaourt bulgare ou la fabrique de l’ authenticité“. Encyclopédie pour une histoire nouvelle de l'Europe,https://ehne.fr/article/civilisation-materielle/consommation-et-circulations transnationales/le-yaourt-bulgare-ou-la -fabrique-de-lauthenticite.
Стоилова, Е. (2015) „Храните в ракурса на етноложкото изследване или какво е българско кисело мляко“. След следващата запетая – сборник , 51- 64. Пловдив: УИ „Паисий Хилендарски".
Stoilova, E. (2015) „The Bulgarianization of Yoghurt: Connecting Home, Taste and Authenticity“. Food and Foodways 1-2 (23):14-35.
Stoilova, E. (2014) Producing Bulgarian Yoghurt: Manufacturing and Exporting Authenticity. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Stoilova, E. (2013) “From Home-Made Product to Industrial One: Manufacturing Bulgarian Sour Milk.” Agricultural History 87 (1): 73-92.
Stoilova, E. (2012) "Deconstructing the Authenticity: Who, When and How Created the Bulgarian Yoghurt." Myth-Making and Myth-Breaking in History and the Humanities, http://www.unibuc.ro/n/resurse/myth-makiand-myth-brea-inhist-and
Стоилова, Е. (2012) „Визуализация на нематериалното културно наследство." В Локално наследство- ресурс за местно развитие. Съст. Красимира Кръстанова, , 57-77. Пловдив: УИ „Паисий Хилендарски."
Stoilova, E. (2011) "From Homemade Product to Industrial One: Manufacturing Bulgarian Sour Milk." Interdisciplinary Themes Journal 3 (1), http://www.interdisciplinarythemes.org/journal/index.php/itj/article/viewFile/103/